Tilkynning frá Tæknideild Snæfellsbæjar

Við viljum benda á að sækja þarf um byggingarleyfi til að grafa grunn fyrir mannvirki, reisa það, rífa eða flytja, breyta því, burðarkerfi þess, lagnakerfum eða breyta notkun þess, útliti og formi.

Á vef Mannvirkjastofnunnar er hægt að finna leiðbeiningar við flestum atriðum byggingarreglugerðarinnar, m.a. vegna stærð björgunaropa úr svefnherbergjum, staðsetningu smáhýsa á lóð og öðrum almennum atriðum húsa og lóða.


Fyrirspurnir og ábendingar má senda á netfang Tæknideildar: byggingarfulltrui@snb.is




Technologii Snæfellsbær

Chcielibyśmy zwrócić uwagę, że konieczne jest uzyskanie pozwolenia na budowę, na wykopanie fundamentów pod struktury, konstruowanie ich, usuwanie lub przenoszenie, modyfikowanie, ich systemów nośnych, systemu rurociągów , zmiany ich użycia, wyglądu i formy.

Na stronie internetowej Urzedu budowlanego www.mannvirkjastofnun.is


można znaleźć instrukcje dotyczące większości przepisów budowlanych m.in. pod względem rozmiaru wyjścia ewakuacyjnego z sypialni, położenia domków na działce i innych ogólnych elementów domów i działek. Zapytania i wskazówki można wysyłać do Działu technologii: byggingarfulltrui@snb.is


A notification from Snæfellsbær Municipal Engineering Department

We would like to point out that people need to apply for a permit to the town of Snæfellsbær if they are planning on doing any construction work, including digging a foundation, building a structure of any kind, tearing a structure down, moving a structure, or changing it in any way, such as the structural frame, the utilities system, such as plumbing or electical, or changing the usage of the building or the appearance of it.

If you go to the web site of The Icelandic Construction Authority, www.mannvirkjastofnun.is, you can find instructions to building regulations, i.e. regarding the size of the emergency exits from bedrooms, the positioning of small structures or cottages in gardens or building plots, as well as other general areas of construction. For more information, please contact the Snæfellsbær Municipal Engineering Department at byggingarfulltrui@snb.is